
Shopping centres

We invite shopping center owners, managers and investors to participate in projects, initiatives and meetings which offer insight into and inspiration for development trends of the retail sector.

About the project

FF Reindex

TO ReIndex

AF ReIndex

SeC ReIndex

Retail Institute, in cooperation with more than 120 shopping centers in Poland, prepares comprehensive analyses of footfall, turnover, OCR/affordability and service charges. RI Benchmarks have earned a reputation and recognition among company management boards, in particular asset managers, leasing directors, and marketing directors thanks to their reliability and timely delivery, use of highest data security standards, and implementation of a permanent monitoring of changes occurring in the market.

RI analyses take into consideration 3 basic criteria which affect evaluation of shopping center results, i.e.:

shopping center size

very small (< 5,000 sqm GLA)
small (5,000-19,999 sqm GLA)
medium (20,000 – 39,999 sqm GLA)
large and very large (> 40,000 sqm GLA)


The Institute compares performance of shopping centers based on their location (downtown and uptown centers).


Shopping center size, layout and visit patterns are closely linked to the offer of retail premises.

The Institute analyzes shopping centers by taking into account, whether customers choose a specific shopping center due to food operator offer (dominating) or fashion and services offer (non-dominating food operator).

Europe’s first market “Like For Like” analysis

Each period analyzed by Retail Institute (weekly, monthly, annual) is always based on the same number of shopping centers and business days. In case of footfall FF ReIndex, this allows us, among others, to minimize the so called calendar effect.

The Like for Like analysis is also a tool used to evaluate the impact of the Sunday trade ban on the retail sector results.


Comparison of shopping center results, broken down into:

  • 6 main regions of Poland
  • 12 city agglomerations
  • city types based on the number of inhabitants

In cooperation with companies holding a portfolio of more than 130 shopping centers, Retail Institute prepares weekly footfall benchmarks. Published once a week, such analyses have become a basic tool to assess consumer behavior on local markets, in cities and regions and in the entire country. FF ReIndex helps evaluate efficiency of marketing and sale-supporting activities and facilitates preparation of short and long-term strategies. Following the Sunday trade ban, in place as of 1 March 2018, Retail Institute is the only organization in Poland which has tools to analyze effect of the new regulation on retail results.

Join the circle of Retail Institute Partners and gain access to FF ReIndex Reports!

Join us Join the circle of Retail Institute Partners and gain access to FF ReIndex Reports!

FF ReIndex


Each Monday, participants in the Retail Index project, owners and managers of shopping centers, submit to Retail Institute daily footfall data. Each Tuesday, RI shares Reports which analyze footfall while taking into consideration the following criteria:

  • shopping center size
  • location
  • format (type of premises)
  • region, city and type of city
  • share of specific days in weekly results
  • impact of Sunday trade ban on results

* Only for Participants in Research, owners and managers of shopping centers

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FF ReIndex


Companies which for various reasons cannot report results to Retail Institute may be granted access to so called Abridged Reports. Each Tuesday, RI shares footfall reports with the following data:

  • monthly footfall for more than 130 shopping centers in Poland
  • monthly footfall for more than 130 shopping centers in Poland


* For Retail Institute Partners

Each last Friday of a month, Retail Institute publishes Reports for the preceding month with analyses of turnover for 19 product categories present in shopping centers. TO ReIndex analyses offer valuable data for lease, development and marketing departments. Thanks to algorithms and IT tools used by RI, the analyses of results are highly reliable, trustworthy and precise. As the scope of research is very wide and covers more than 130 shopping centers, results presented by RI reflect real sales effectiveness trends in Poland.

Analyzed categories:

  • fashion – women
  • fashion – men
  • fashion – mixed
  • fashion – underwear
  • fashion – sports and sport products
  • footwear
  • leather products, bags and suitcases
  • jewelry, watches and accessories
  • health and beauty – services
  • health and beauty – product sale
  • books, music, multimedia, press, games and gifts
  • products for children and expecting mothers
  • equipment and accessories
  • house, indoor, garden
  • entertainment
  • specialty food stores
  • coffee shops and restaurants services
  • services

TO ReIndex Report contains also analyses of:

  • 6 main regions of Poland
  • 12 agglomerations and cities
  • vacant space
  • tenant-mix structure

It indicates developing and declining categories.

Join the circle of Retail Institute Partners and gain access to FF ReIndex Reports!

Join us Join the Research and gain access to the Reports within 24 hours!

TO ReIndex


The Institute analyzes turnover for 19 different categories, i.e. fashion – women, fashion – men, fashion – mixed, jewelry, footwear etc. while taking into consideration main criteria which impact results of shopping center tenants, i.e.:

  • size
  • location
  • format
  • region, city


* The Report for the previous month is published on 28th-30th day of the next month.

Join us Join the Research and gain access to the Reports within 24 hours!

TO ReIndex


Companies which for various reasons cannot report results to Retail Institute may be granted access to so called Abridged Reports. Each last Friday of a month, RI publishes reports with monthly turnover from more than 130 shopping centers in Poland for:

  • all tenants of all shopping centers
  • 2 product categories selected by the Institute Partner (e.g. fashion – women, fashion – mixed)
  • format
  • analysis of selected categories in 6 regions of Poland


* The Report for the previous month is published on 28th-30th day of the next month.

AF ReIndex analyses are complementary to the TO ReIndex Report. The affordability index, also known as the OCR index, shows a ratio of costs incurred by the tenant, i.e. rents and service charges, to turnover generated on the shopping center premises. The ratio allows to determine business and commercial effectiveness of companies operating on shopping center premises in the most precise manner currently available.

More and more often, lease agreements for key tenants contain clauses setting out desired ratio of the costs, i.e. rents and service charges, to turnover. The AF parameter analysis offers a tool for both landlords and tenants to determine safe lease parameters and monitor conditions of specific product categories.

Join us Join the Research and gain access to the Reports within 24 hours!

AF ReIndex


AF ReIndex analyses are complementary to the TO ReIndex Report. The affordability index, also known as the OCR index, shows a ratio of costs incurred by the tenant, i.e. lease and service charges, to turnover generated on the shopping center premises. The ratio allows to determine business and commercial effectiveness of companies operating on shopping center premises in the most precise manner currently available.

The Institute prepares for implementation a new (forth) analysis of service charges. The first report is due to appear in June 2019, inclusive of settlements for 2018. The Council of Experts prepared a universal model which may be used by businesses to share actually incurred costs related to management.

The group was not that much challenged with drafting of universal cost centers allocated to a model budget, as with development of research methodology, determination of boundary conditions and assumptions necessary to prepare subsequent Retail Institute analyses which are reliable and contain comparative data.

SeC ReIndex


The Institute prepares for implementation a new (forth) analysis of service charges. The first report is due to appear in June 2019, inclusive of settlements for 2018. The Council of Experts prepared a universal model which may be used by businesses to share actually incurred costs related to management.